
Microsoft Office 2022 Preview: Hands On - keithbourfere

Office 2022 is touchscreen ready and cloud friendly, and IT adds bold new twists to the Microsoft Part franchise. On Monday Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer outlined what he said was the "biggest most hard Office" update to date.

For the desktop, Office 2022 delivers a host of automatic updates to Word, Outlook, and Excel. But where Office 2022 shines is in embracement the mobile world and the cloud, delivering deep integration with Microsoft's defile service SkyDrive and collaboration through its modern acquisitions Skype and Yammer. Windows 8–and the approaching release of Microsoft Airfoil tablets and Windows Phone 8 smartphones–take over also played a huge roles in coloring Part 2022 with new features.

Forwards of Microsoft's big news Monday Microsoft provided PCWorld with two Windows 8 tablets (nobelium, non the Surface) and admittance to the client preview versions of both Office staff 2022 and the cloud-based Office 365.

Here's a looking at how the software suite runs on laptop, desktop touchscreen, and tablet platforms.

In that story, PCWorld Elder Editor Michael Brownish first gives his impressions of working with Office 2022 and 365 happening a laptop and a desktop PC. Contributing editor Tony Bradley then writes about his tests of the new products along a tablet PC.

Office 2022, Function 365 on a Laptop and a Background PC

I spent most of my time with Word and Excel on a laptop computer and connected a desktop all-in-one well-found with a touchscreen. As expected, Microsoft is ligature Office 2022 and Bureau 365 tightly to its SkyDrive mottle-storage serve.

You'Ra free to use other services, merely I suspect that this integration will lure pile of Office users away from their paid accounts on Google, Dropbox, and SugarSync. If you bribe a version of Microsoft's new package and sign dormy for a Microsoft Live account, you'll get 20GB of free storage in SkyDrive.

Ofiice 365 Preview: settings screen
The Ofiice 365 Preview settings test.

Both Agency 2022 and Office 365 offer largely the cookie-cutter substance abuser experience, but Microsoft is clearly steering its customers toward the cloud-based version. The party is also marketing Office 365 to consumers for the first meter, rather than strictly to businesses.

Purchase the longstanding boxed copy of the software, and you get a license to install the software on one device. You can besides employ Office 365 on any computer or tablet, but that won't comprise very useful if you find yourself someplace without your familiar computer and without Net access.

Buy in a subscription to Office 365, and you get licenses to download and install Office 2022 on equal to five devices (right now, the tilt of sympathetic devices is incomprehensive to PCs and tablets running Windows 7 or Windows 8, though Microsoft says Office 2022 for Mac testament be available by the sentence the unalterable software is released).

And, as with the boxed copy, you buttocks stream Position 2022 to any PC or tablet running Windows 7 or Windows 8. Microsoft has not yet announced pricing for either mathematical product.

The New User Port

The Office 2022 user interface International Relations and Security Network't markedly different from the one in Function 2022: The ribbon remains front man and centerfield, though the text and the icons interior it are a routine larger and are leaded farther apart. These changes bring on break advantage of whacking monitors and touchscreen displays. Nevertheless, the ribbon isn't as well big for an average laptop showing, even with the addition of cardinal new tabs: Invention and Developer (in reality, the Developer tab is omnipresent in Office 2022, but it's hidden by default).

Word 2022
If you're old with the ribbon user user interface from Office 2007 and Billet 2022, you'll feel right at home with Word 2022.

Though I've used a act of all-in-uncomparable computers with touchscreens all over the ultimo few eld, I don't use the touch modality interface very often. Perhaps I'm just a creature of habit, but it doesn't feel natural to take my fingers off the mouse to stab them at icons connected the screen (or maybe my fingers are precisely besides blubber to be accurate). In any event, though I tried hard to use the medal with my thumb, I kept backward to the black eye. The UI delivers more benefits on pad platforms, simply it doesn't palpate some less lifelike when ill-used with a mouse.

New-sprung and Cool Word Features

Microsoft has made a number of cool, interesting, and identical serviceable improvements to Word 2022.

The Implant PDF feature in Word.

On the usefulness front, you butt now importation a PDF directly into Word, edit information technology as a Tidings doc, and then save it as either a Word doc or a PDF. Not only make imported files retain all of the underived documents' formatting–including headers, columns, and footnotes–but elements such as tables and graphics can be edited in Word intrinsically.

Import a PDF file containing a table, for case, and you can edit the table conscionable as though you had created it in Word from scratch. You can also embed a PDF file in a Parole doc.

Microsoft expects that people will desire to save all of their files to the cloud. Your SkyDrive account is listed initial, so

Some other cool feature is the ability to connect to online resources and bring them inside your documents. E.g., you can consumption Bing to explore the Net for videos, without going Tidings, and then plant the HTML code for that video in your papers.

Link your SkyDrive calculate to your Flickr account, and you can jump to your online photo collection and embed photos directly in the document–again, without e'er leaving Word.

Embedding a screenshot from an app running on your PC is even easier: Click Insert > Screenshot, and a window with thumbnails of every window open on your desktop testament become visible. Click the picture you wishing, and it will appear wherever your cursor is.

When you embed an image or a video in a document, you can grab that element and move it roughly the document and watch as your text automatically reflows around it in real time.

Word Collaboration Features

When you'Re collaborating with other people along a document, being capable to traverse the changes that each somebody makes is critical. This becomes practically easier to do in Word 2022, thanks to a fresh feature called simple markup view.

A red erectile line in the unexpended gross profit indicates that changes have been made to the document, while a word inflate in the right hand margin indicates the presence of a comment. Penetrate on the vertical line to reveal both the edit out changes and the comments; come home happening the word balloon to show retributive the comments.

Microsoft has also added a brand-new viewing mode, called Reader. When you view a document in this mode, each paragraph has a small triangle in front of it. Click the triangle after you've complete reading its associated paragraph, and the paragraph wish collapse so that more text will come out, without your having to scroll to another page.

I haven't had fourth dimension to explore all refreshing feature of Word 2022, but I equal what I've seen so far. Information technology looks as though Microsoft has significantly improved the application, adding some great new features without mucking anything else up in the process. Nevertheless, my opinion at this stage is based on very limited time with the product.

Excel 2022

Like the new version of Word, Excel 2022 feels fresh yet comfortingly familiar. Microsoft has added several new whiz-bang data-analysis tools, including one called Flash Fill. When you take an element of data that you've already entered in one chromatography column and enter it in a irregular column, Flash Fill will predict that you signify to do that for every value in the second column, and will offer to fill in the second chromatography column for you consequently.

Excel's Flash Fill feature will notice patterns in your data accounting entry, forebode what you intend to arrange next, and then offer to fulfill in the rest of the information for you.

Microsoft provided a sample two-chromatography column spreadsheet to demonstrate how this feature works. The early tower contained email addresses in which each person's address was formatted American Samoa first-figure.last-name@domain-name. The second column was to be used to store each person's low name.

Though that isn't the most realistic scenario imaginable, it works. You establish the reference example away typing the forename of the first person in the email address column; past, Eastern Samoa you get typing the second person's first name, Surpass predicts that you privation to do the same for every other value in the first column and offers to do just that automatically. Press the Move in key, and the ordinal tower automatically fills with first names.

Colours and symbols can help you analyze data more chop-chop, and Excel 2022's new Quick Psychoanalysis tool uses these elements to identify and highlight trends and changes. Select the rows and columns that you care to have analyzed, click the icon that appears in the bottom right corner, and choose the conditional formatting that suits your inevitably. Instead of looking at rows and columns of gray Book of Numbers, you'll in real time see a spreadsheet formatted with color scales, parallel bars, and icons.

Excel's Quick Analysis tool.
Excel's Nimble Analytic thinking tool automatically suggests conditional formatting that volition help you visualize information latched in your spreadsheets.

Charts and graphs supply other soft way to figure data, and spreadsheet software system has long permitted users to generate charts and graphs based happening the data they enter into its rows and columns.

Surpass 2022's young Quick Analysis tool will automatically suggest the most appropriate types of graphs–bar, PIE, scattering, so on–based on the data put off that you select.

My early impressions of Excel 2022 are about as favorable as my corresponding impressions of Holy Scripture 2022. Microsoft seems to have introduced some self-coloured new features without imposing a delicate learning bend. Take that, palm haters.

We'll take a finisher deal Lookout, Powerpoint, OneNote, and the roost of the suite soon.

–PCWorld Senior Editor Michael Brown

Part 2022 and Office 365 happening a Tablet: First impressions

Microsoft is betting heavily on the mind that tablets are the future of PCs. Similar Windows 8, Office 15 was improved from the ground up to capitalize of a lozenge's unique features, while at the same time addressing the limitations of the touchscreen interface for creating depicted object.

I ran Office 13 through its paces connected a Samsung Serial publication 7 Slate PC running Windows 8 Consumer Preview to see how well it performs along a tablet. Bear in mind that this tablet runs Windows 8 In favor of, non Windows 8 RT, and that Office 2022 and Office 365 differ from the Office for RT apps that will follow useable on ARM-based Windows 8 tablets.

Microsoft has done a great job of fashioning the tools and functions of the various Office applications accessible from a touchscreen user interface without lessening the capabilities. For instance, holding your finger on a misspelled parole will pull up Spot's list of possible corrections; and holding your fingerbreadth on most anything brings in the lead the options you'd commonly find by right field-clicking a mouse.

Word's functions on a tablet screen.
Microsoft did a nice job of fitting all of Word's functions into the screen space of a tablet.

I did sometimes find that the options along the ribbon interface were hard to tap. The buttons are a number puny for my fingers, and you stool't pinch-to-zoom along to enlarge the ribbon in Authority 2022. Along the other hand, you can hold the ribbon bar disappear to maximize the area in stock for your document–in both Office staff 2022 and Office 365–which is nice.

The Office 2022 suite I installed on the tablet enclosed Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Mentality, Publisher, Access, Lync, and few bit players. The only apps available within Office 365, however, are Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. Outlook exists in Office 365 as well, but the option was grayed out on the software I worked with.

One thing that I like about working with Office connected the tab is more a function of Windows 8 and/or the computer hardware its running on than of Office itself. The touchscreen virtual keyboard is sensitive and fluid enough to reserve me to type at very nearly full speed. Also, tapping the symbols and numbers push button brings up an actual number pad, which is much more underspent for entering figures in an Excel spreadsheet.

That said, it was a trifle annoyance to have to tap the keyboard picture at the bottom of the display to open the virtual keyboard. It would have been nice if Office applications had recognized when I tapped on a text field, and responded by automatically opening move the virtual keyboard. Perhaps, though, Microsoft wanted to abide by the limited screen immovable of the tablet and let users navigate documents without having the keyboard pop up all the sentence.

Boilersuit, the experience is solid. Using IT differs from victimization a mouse and keyboard with a traditional PC, but it's a functional arrangement. Microsoft has obviously invested with very much of thought and effort in ensuring that the pad of paper live that Office offers is worthy of the Microsoft Office name.

–PCWorld Contributing Editor Tony Omar Bradley

If you'd like to check out Microsoft's Office 2022 Customer Preview for yourself, you can download the software from here.


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